Western Restaurants in Kuala Lumpur @ Sri Petaling – 9 Restaurants
Fusion Haven 无国界天地
There is a place hidden from hectic society silently operating in a cozy little shop. However the outlet is always packed with people walking in and out.
Low Sze Shin posted bmf0827.blogspot.myGood味道上不错,价位上还算可以。 芒果沙拉很特别,非常值得一试。 冰咖啡也不错喝。 午时套餐很值得。
Moonlight Cake House
Duckie posted duckies-food-blog.blogspot.com 304 ReviewsOverall, food is not bad. Maybe a little pricey but I do like the food there, especially the salmon.
Original Charcoal BBQ Uncle R
Highly recommended for a very affordable western meal in a comfortable air conditioned environment.
nikelkhor posted www.nikelkhor.com 486 ReviewsThis restaurant serves only Western meal that is using traditional way of charcoal grill.
Big Ray’s Grill
nikelkhor posted www.nikelkhor.com 486 ReviewsAnyway, both of the dish taste nice too but if the price could be reduce slightly, then its would be more attracting.
Gaga Western & Eastern Corner
佳佳中西餐在 Sri Petaling 已经有十余年,经济好味的食物是这家店的座右铭。听说之前经过了几次的迁移,如今就在 Sri Petaling 的店铺里。杂扒除了有三种扒类之外,还有香肠、薯条和沙拉,算是我们见过最多元化的杂扒了。 扒类包括鸡扒、羊扒和猪扒,分量并不会太大,通常杂扒都会让人觉得太大盘吃不完,但这里并不会。鸡扒煎至金黄,肉质不错,肉汁有被锁着。猪扒则口感稍干,比较有咬劲。羊扒肉质嫩,最为推崇,不会有羊骚味。香肠、薯条和沙拉味道普通,算是及格。 http://bmf0827.blogspot.my/2016/01/sri-petaling_5.html
大城堡天天茶餐室 Yummy Western Corner
通常煎多利鱼要非常的小心,因为它的肉质松软,一个不小心鱼肉就散了。 店家于是很聪明地用蛋包裹着多利鱼来煎。 一来,解决了鱼肉会松散的问题;二来呢,则增加了整道西餐的香气。 黑椒酱覆盖了多利鱼的腥味,让食客更能享受这道西餐。
Wings Musicafe