Restaurants in Cheras @ Selangor – 20 Restaurants
Temptations Restaurant & Bar
Good猪扒的厚度应该是超过半寸,很厚实的感觉。 腌制入味的猪肉,用火烤了之后,味道很是特别,还是欧巴第一次吃到的。 猪扒下面有西兰花和马铃薯泥,味道也是不错。
Low Sze Shin posted 9 years ago
Four Seasons Seafood Restaurant
Dine at Four Seasons Restaurant before/after the events, so convenient!
summerkid posted 10 years ago 568 Reviews
Restaurant US Rangers
All this glorious food left us full with satisfaction and to enjoy it with my family made it more meaningful. I hope many more will come to discover this little underrated western joint and come to love it as I do. posted 13 years ago 169 Reviews
Calabria Cafe & Restaurant
It's located next to Milwaukee Steak Corner. Calabria is a small lil neighborhood cafe/restaurant that serves good and reasonable priced Italian food.
Zen Garden
Chinese steamboat is always our choice, but when we come across Mookata Steamboat by Zen Garden in Cheras, we happily go for a try.
summerkid posted 12 years ago 235 Reviews
Heng Kee Bak Kut Teh
ExceptionalNice Clear Soup Bak Kut Teh. BKT literally translates as "meat bone tea", and at its simplest, consists of meaty pork ribs simmered in a complex broth of herbs and spices. Come gather at here. =)
tommymaivia posted 11 years ago
Pasto Italian Cafe & Restaurant
Tastewise, it was light and moderately good but the seafoods infused well into the noodles.
ChristineLeng posted 15 years ago 450 Reviews
De Coffee Room
Not too easy to locate especially if you are not familiar with the area.
suyee posted 11 years ago 402 Reviews
Wan Fook Seafood Restaurant
This restaurant offers dine for chinese cooked seafood cuisine with exquisite taste. It will be a taste you will not forget once you have tried. Please call in advance for reservation.
Fuza's Briyani Station
Healthy Delicious Oven Baked Briyani. With No Preservatives, No MSG, Less Oil. Home ground spices. Most Authentic Briyani Gam Johor.
ExceptionalThis is our customer review online go to
Najeeb Ali posted 10 years ago
Cheras Wat Tan Hor
We love their generous amount of gravy with lotsa eggs making the noodles smoother. Mix the flat rice noodle with some fried meehoon for better taste and texture.
ChristineLeng posted 14 years ago 450 Reviews
Won Korean Restaurant
Pajeon 里满满的葱段和鱿鱼让人吃了非常过瘾。沾上特制的蒜米辣椒酱,对我来说就是再好不过的 comfort food 了!Pajeon 厚度适中,口感很好。粉对其他材料的比例相对较少,可以吃的出店家满满的诚意。虽然 pajeon 并不算是主食,但是如果你也像我一样喜欢它,那一份 pajeon 绝对可以让你很满足。
虎藏拉面 (Torazou Ramen)
拉面的汤头浓秾,但味道上属于偏淡的那种。 拉面的配料有芽菜、葱段、叉烧、黑木耳,比较特别的是,本人还是第一次吃到有放黑木耳的拉面。 店家所用的面条比较普通,但还不错,口感吃起来有点像是爽口的皇帝面。
Restoran Chee Xiang
Disappointingly, the roast items here faltered to impress in whichever manner imaginable. I must admit I was tricked by the overwhelming crowd to this stall, but it wasn’t all that bad. posted 11 years ago 169 Reviews