Old Town White Coffee

Cuisines Asian Fusion

Well, this shop is my first time and the taste is just nice.

food2buzz posted foodtobuzz.blogspot.com 415 Reviews

Tian Tian Fatt

Cuisines Chinese

Actually, someone introduce me this place where the porridge is tasty and delicious.

food2buzz posted foodtobuzz.blogspot.com 415 Reviews

Dellicatessan Mandy

Cuisines Western

There is lot of promotions and sets which is quite cheap and reasonable.

food2buzz posted foodtobuzz.blogspot.com 415 Reviews


Cuisines Western

Overall, their food are just average but I would say that this is a very ideal place for friends gathering as well as to hold small party.

summerkid posted summerkid123.blogspot.com 235 Reviews

La Vida Lounge

Cuisines Western


Cuisines Western

Chili Padi Cafe

Cuisines Malay Mamak

There is shisha hub which is open from 12pm till late.

Old Town White Coffee Signature Outlet

Cuisines Asian

I had the signature Nasi Lemak (which to me.. hmm... macam biasa je!!!). I think the "pakcik nasi lemak" @ Selayang Jaya tastes better!!

ojsiew posted ojsiew.blogspot.com 633 Reviews


Cuisines Western

Chillis old time burger. nice!

suyee posted su-yee.blogspot.com 402 Reviews

B Station

Cuisines Western

Pricing wise, I think it should be less than RM10 instead of adding RM2 for the beef meat.

nickchan posted www.nickchan.net 94 Reviews

Ice Zone Cafe

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Mon - Sun 1:00PM-1:00AM

The first snow ice shop to use fresh fruit as ingredient in Malaysia.

nikelkhor posted www.nikelkhor.com 486 Reviews

Old Town White Coffee

Cuisines Asian Fusion

Papa's bowl of Steamed Rice with Ginger Chicken.Papa said somehow the same dish but at Setia Alam branch taste nicer. Not sure why.But for Mamarazzi, she ws happy to discover that Old Town White Coffee had added new dish to their Menu la.

small kucing posted www.smallkucing.com 554 Reviews

Restaurant Goh Ah Hua Bak Kut Teh

Cuisines Chinese

Saw the soup was cooked with "Kei zhi" and "Luk Chuk". Taste wise is rather "tame". Mamarazzi preferred BKT that has a thicker taste.

small kucing posted www.smallkucing.com 554 Reviews

Coco 都可茶饮

Cuisines Drink

They love it! I will definitely come back but the parking there..uh..wish me luck! haha..

Su Fen posted sufentan88.blogspot.com 153 Reviews