Western Restaurants in Penang @ Nagore Road – 8 Restaurants
Money Houz Cafe
jazz posted jazzlah.blogspot.com 190 ReviewsMoney Houz应该是目前槟城唯一有提供Dart Machine的Cafe 而且每个Game只是【RM2/gamer】而已,和一般Pub/Lounge相比之下,便宜至少RM2
Wallpaper Eat Drink & Indulge
enqvist posted www.tasteiest.com 222 ReviewsAs the name suggest “Wallpaper”, the restaurant is fill up with so many different texture of wallpaper across the wall.
Pik Nik Cafe
In search for a place that you could let your hair down, put on flip flops and throw on your most comfy outfit, munch on some yummy food, sip on some freshly made yogurt smoothies while listening to some feel good music, PIKNIK is your place to 'lepak' on a lazy day.
posted the-glutton-yen.blogspot.com店内的用色散发出一种与众不同的格调,这难道就是人们所谓的艺术? 个人觉得墙上的闪电壁画很酷炫,非常有性格!
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 ReviewsWaffle的外皮小脆,可是整个waffle的texture却是松软蓬松的。 加上拌炒过的鸡蛋和bacon的咸香, 搭配waffle是绝佳的搭配。
Lobby 079
Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 ReviewsA place good for your daily quick caffeine boost but not the place that you would want to visit in group and chill.
Joyeux Cafe
Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 ReviewsThe interior of the cafe is rather simple, with no eclectic furniture nor heavy elements in decorations.
siTigun Coffee House
Pas De Nom posted chillout-soulout-freakout.blogspot.com 471 ReviewsNot photos about their coffee but their signature is still their coffee. Do drop by just for a cup of their coffee because I saw them hand pick the coffee beans and roasted themselves. A very tedious process but brings out the best coffee taste to their customers. I like it!
Little Big
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews这里除了竹炭面包之外 还有绿茶面包、english muffin、芝麻面包,这里的口味也千变万化,一个星期吃一次也不会腻。