Wong Kok Char Chan Teng

Cuisines Hong Kong
Business Hour 8am to 2am

Wong Kok Char Chan Teng has brought in a new trademark of great cuisine into Malaysia.

More about Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Lumpur Restaurants by Travelopy

Elegant Inn

Cuisines Hong kong
Business Hour Opens Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays only Operation hours: Fridays: 12.00pm – 2.30pm & 6.00pm – 10.30pm Saturdays & Sundays: 10.30am – 2.30pm & 6.00pm – 10.30pm

Elegant Inn was opened by several Hong Kongers who decided that they wanted to introduce some fine Hong Kong dining sensibility to the KL dining scene. Elegant dining, elegant prices though the location was not very elegant. Not a cheap place to eat but definitely really good food.

Overall it was quite a nice experience, there were just a few short coming on certain dishes. The service provided by the restaurant manager and the waitress was efficient and friendly.

GourmetGarden posted www.gourmetgarden.com.my 196 Reviews

Food and Tea Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese Hong Kong

MPV Seafood Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese Hong Kong

话说回来,这间MPV可贵吃了!好吃是一回事,荷包出血又是另一回事 每次吃完后掏腰包的“老板”看到 单上的数字,眼眉会挑 不是一下。。。是很多下哦!

Jessycayong posted jess-concrete.blogspot.com 127 Reviews