Jusco Food Court

Cuisines Asian Fusion

Asam Laksa wor. Said very tasty. Looks rather plain to me but she said tasty.

small kucing posted www.smallkucing.com 554 Reviews

Golden Bridge

Cuisines Asian Fusion

I found that the food is actually quite tasty

Jessycayong posted jess-concrete.blogspot.com 127 Reviews

Bakeroni Cafe

Cuisines Asian Fusion

不说不知道,原来 Bakeroni Cafe 已经开业十多年,而且都有不错的评价,还有一班铁粉。椰浆饭有古早味,尤其是店家对于 sambal的料理。 味道还不错吃。

Tom Yam Restoran Makanan Pasifik

Cuisines Asian Fusion

I’m pretty happy with a tom yum that’s got either squid, prawns and fish, or a mix of seafood in it.

CCFoodTravel posted ccfoodtravel.com 498 Reviews

Dipstick Restaurant

Cuisines Asian Fusion
Business Hour Daily, from 1pm to midnight

Dipstick Restaurant @ Bandar Tasik Sri Permaisuri, KL

food2buzz posted foodtobuzz.blogspot.com 415 Reviews

D' Rich, King of Good Food

Cuisines Asian Fusion

If you notice that I didnt commented much on their food, meaning it's normal and good food. Not exactly anything exciting but a good alternative of food other than the usual kopitiam that you can find.

kvinlim posted 1simpleplan.blogspot.com 99 Reviews

The Bowls

Business Hour 11am - 10pm

“To become the most admirable F&B brand in the world”, this is The Bowls vision. Our business idea is “to define the taste that changes lives ”.We work hard to achieve quality at affordable prices for our customers through serving wholesome food which are carefully designed by the team using minimal processed ingredients and with customers' nutritional needs in consideration. Our vision also goes beyond food and beverage. We want to make every mouthful a happiness for all people impacted by our business.