Lim's Chicken Rice

Cuisines Chinese

Everything was good, from the roast chicken to the char siew (barbecue pork) to the siew yoke (roast pork) to even the cucumbers! :D Did I mention that the rice was awesome too? ;)

perutbesi posted 230 Reviews

Ah Wah Chao Mian

Cuisines Chinese

No frills, cheap and damn good food, I think I’ll be their regular customer soon, not only for the Hokkien Mee but also the amazingly addictive fried fu chuk!

mimid3vils posted 419 Reviews


Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11am - 3pm / 6pm - 10pm Close on Monday

Mum's Birthday Dinner @ Laomazhis, Ipoh Road, Kuala Lumpur

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Restoran Jalan Ipoh

Cuisines Chinese

The fresh La La clams are delicious and they are all carefully sorted and cleaned before it is ready to be cooked.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Restoran Wong Kee

Cuisines Chinese

The Loh Mee comes with crab meat, mushroom, a bit of wine and you add a few drops of vinegear making this dish very delicious and worth a try. A must try for those who love Loh Mee.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Restoran Dai Ka Lok

Cuisines Malaysian

New Million Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour operates till wee hours

Curry Noodle Stall

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour open daily from about 6:30pm onwards

Fancy Mee Corner

Cuisines Chinese

A new pan mee store on Jalan Ipoh, near to Jalan Ipoh police station, 3th mile of jalan ipoh.

Yik Xiang Bak Kut Teh

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 10am - 3pm and 6pm to 12am

Cafe Biscotti

Cuisines Western
Business Hour Monday to Saturday : 8.00am-10.00pm Sun & Public Holidays : 9.00am-10.00pm