Restoran Law Yi

Cuisines Chinese

This is another reasonably good place to dine in Setapak area siting at the back row of shops along Genting Klang main road.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews
More about Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Lumpur Restaurants by Travelopy

Restoran Chef Loke 陆师傅小厨

Cuisines Chinese

Getting a table is not easy especially during weekends and public holidays but it's worth the while to be patient.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Mrs Yau Canteen 邱太食堂

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11:30am - 4pm, 5:30pm - 9pm Closed on Sunday

邱太米線,我們濃而不膩的湯頭, 配上順滑爽綿之米線, 加上砂鍋高温把濃湯與米線真正結合.,客人每口都是真正傳統風味和我們主廚精心的制作。

酸辣猪肉小锅米线 RM8 我弟最喜欢的。上桌时滚烫烫,冷天气吃最爽!我觉得酸辣汤对我来说太辣了,个人比较喜欢他们的浓汤,味道很棒,但我之前去吃没有拍到照片,有机会再补上来介绍吧~


Bu Yi Bao 补一宝美食之家

Cuisines Chinese

Our first time visiting this outlet and we like it and will come back again.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Restoran Ulu Yam

Cuisines Chinese

We started of with the popular “Sai Toh” fish bar / cake. It was good till we ordered for another bar.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Ipoh Road Hakka Yong Tau Fu

Cuisines Chinese

Fried Yong Tau Foo was best among the lot; any food fried always does not give a true taste of the food or the freshness of the food.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Sakura Kristal Cafe & Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 10AM - 10PM

Tang Shifu

Cuisines Chinese

Taang Shi Fu uses good ingredients, finest herbs and slow cook for at least 8 hours to ensure the finest is prepared for its customers.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Restoran Ah Chay

Cuisines Chinese

The ever popular Hokkien Mee (fat yellow noodle fried in dark soya sauce with lots of lard) is simply delicious beyond words. There was a moment of silence when all were too engrossed in the eating of the lovely Hokkien Mee.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Flaming Steamboat Buffet

Cuisines Chinese

Wah...CKT with such a large size prawns..impressive leh. Don't think you can find it anywhere else in KL

small kucing posted 554 Reviews

Restoran Chuan Kee

Cuisines Chinese

There are several Bak Kut Teh shops in Setapak area. Restoran Chuan Kee is one of the popular shops here and always packs with people.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Restoran Best One

Cuisines Chinese

The braised cuisine was so attractive that we had to order the moment we step our feet into the shop, so a plate of braised egg, tofu and intestine was already on the order list.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Ho Ho Steamboat Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese

I like the soup to be wholly clear soup no tomyam nor combination, just don't like the idea of tomyam steamboat in Malaysia.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Japan 23 BBQ Steamboat

Cuisines Chinese

Many would go for food that is value for money like prawns, crabs, fish, frog and red meat but make sure you finish whatever you take or not you will be charged for wastage by weight.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews