Eastern Delight

Cuisines Chinese

QQ SnowMix

Cuisines Taiwanese

A relatively small chain serving Taiwanese dessert, we think that QQ Snowmix has the quality to keep up with the rest of the pack.

wenching_86 posted www.eatonlylar.com 208 Reviews

Home Town Steamboat

Cuisines Chinese

Would I go back there again? Well, maybe, for the fondue, but the steamboat was definitely not as nice as Coco Steamboat.

Duckie posted duckies-food-blog.blogspot.com 304 Reviews

Fatty Loong

Cuisines Chinese

The restaurant serves Klang style Bak Kut Teh.

Leo's Cafe

Cuisines Local

Leo’s Cafe serves homemade-like dishes and very reasonably priced

Tim Kee Chicken Rice

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Opens daily for lunch and dinner

T's Kitchen

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Mon - Fri: 12:00-00:00 Sat - Sun: 09:00-00:00

Restoran Good Tea

Cuisines Chinese

The soup was lovely and sweet. Not too spicy nor oily. Price wise...less than RM5.

small kucing posted www.smallkucing.com 554 Reviews

Gaga Western & Eastern Corner

Cuisines Western
Business Hour 10 am - 12 am

佳佳中西餐在 Sri Petaling 已经有十余年,经济好味的食物是这家店的座右铭。听说之前经过了几次的迁移,如今就在 Sri Petaling 的店铺里。杂扒除了有三种扒类之外,还有香肠、薯条和沙拉,算是我们见过最多元化的杂扒了。 扒类包括鸡扒、羊扒和猪扒,分量并不会太大,通常杂扒都会让人觉得太大盘吃不完,但这里并不会。鸡扒煎至金黄,肉质不错,肉汁有被锁着。猪扒则口感稍干,比较有咬劲。羊扒肉质嫩,最为推崇,不会有羊骚味。香肠、薯条和沙拉味道普通,算是及格。 http://bmf0827.blogspot.my/2016/01/sri-petaling_5.html

大城堡天天茶餐室 Yummy Western Corner

Cuisines Western

通常煎多利鱼要非常的小心,因为它的肉质松软,一个不小心鱼肉就散了。 店家于是很聪明地用蛋包裹着多利鱼来煎。 一来,解决了鱼肉会松散的问题;二来呢,则增加了整道西餐的香气。 黑椒酱覆盖了多利鱼的腥味,让食客更能享受这道西餐。

Jln. Gasing Ipoh Chicken Rice

Cuisines Chinese

Ipoh Chicken Rice last friday… @ somewhere between Sri Petaling & Happy Garden… this is actually a branch of the Jalan Gasing Ipoh Chicken Rice.

Wings Musicafe

Cuisines Western
Business Hour 12:00 pm - 1:30 am


Bountifull Restaurant 蓁家圓

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Mon : 11:00 - 23:00, Wed-Sun : 11:00 - 23:00

馳名舊巴生路天撟 Famous Traditional & Authentic Chinese Restaurant with specialties in Steamed Fish Head, Bak Kut Teh, Rice Wine Chicken & varieties of food.


Steam Fish Head, Bak Kut TeH, Rice Wine Chicken, Vinegar Pork Trotter, Pork Stomach Pepper Soup (www.facebook.com/bountifullrestaurant)

SimplyOPS posted

Sushi Zento 膳户

Cuisines Japanese

Sushi Zento 的定价属于高价位,但是食物的水平实在是让人很失望。 而且,员工的素质也有待加强,我们只是要点餐就叫了侍应生3,4次,还得等个10分钟才可以点餐。 http://bmf0827.blogspot.my/2015/08/sri-petaling-sushi-zento.html