More about Johor Bahru and Johor Bahru Restaurants by Travelopy

Restaurant Changman 常满

Top 500 Restaurants in Johor
Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 8am-6pm Closed on alternate Wednesday

Restaurant Changman常满 is Authentic Hong Kong Dim Sum located in Taman Nusa Bestari, 12mins from Legoland & 5mins from Jusco Bkt Indah.

Restoran Changman

Top 500 Restaurants in Johor
Cuisines Chinese

Premium hong kong dim sum in jb,serves hot dim sum daily from 8am till 8pm.try it as you wont regret it.

adrianooi posted

Bay Leaf Nusa Bestari

Top 500 Restaurants in Johor
Cuisines Indian
Business Hour Open Daily from 7.30am till 4.30pm. Closed on Wednesday.

Please visit for the delicious Briyani on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and Super Indian Meals.

Uncle Jang

Top 500 Restaurants in Johor
Cuisines Korean

辣的真的很辣,我们两份不辣一份辣,炒在一起还是觉得辣~只有我这个能吃辣的觉得辣度刚好,其他朋友都受不了了~哈哈!吃到最后有点腻,虽然那里备有青菜能包着吃... 整体来说,这里已经吸引不到我再去光顾多一次了~

CurryFishHead posted 128 Reviews