Western Restaurants in Geogetown (Georgetown) – 143 Restaurants
Just Caffe
Serving: - quality handcrafted coffees - made-to-order panini (toasted Italian sandwiches) - pastas, soups, salads - and luscious homemade desserts Call ahead and place your orders so that you can swing by and pick it up!
Chiariyees posted chiariyees-coffeebread.blogspot.com 197 ReviewsJust comfortable enough to enjoy coffee and food. And some reading is good too.
The Haven Harbour Cafe
mytold posted mytastingoutloud.blogspot.com 60 ReviewsIt's a great place for gathering although upstairs there's abit of an echo so everyone can hear everyone.
Georgetown Wines
posted willywah.net每次经过这家红酒庄时总会对它多看两眼,尤其在夜晚时分格外美丽。原因是建筑物的结构就像电影里的欧式酒窖似的,两旁白色的建筑,一扇扇百叶木窗,地下都是落地玻璃,简单朴素得来又不缺时尚感,所以特别引人注目。
jazz posted jazzlah.blogspot.com 190 Reviews从他们面子书看到Pizzaiola的皮萨是使用特别高温窑烤技术烘烤而且还是手工制作加上是自然发酵的面团,难怪这里的皮萨有真的比外面一般皮萨店还来得好吃~
EU Cuisine
posted barryboi.blogspot.comStanding outside the premise, you will find a dark big glass door which I think it's like a door that awaits you to enter for a surprise. As you walk in, customers are greeted to a nice yet cozy dining ambiance. Simple yet it makes dining with pleasure.
Tree Bar
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews下一回如果来合你广场逛累的时候,你也许可以考虑到这儿来歇一歇哦!
The Lightbulb
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews不过,说实在的,价格方面比起一些咖啡座来说,还算蛮大众化,还是可以接受的。
Yella Fork
jazz posted jazzlah.blogspot.com 190 ReviewsYella Fork相当强烈地标榜他们的料理属于澳式料理;但很多人可能会混淆澳式料理和西式料理有和不同呢
Halfwake Cafe
jazz posted jazzlah.blogspot.com 190 ReviewsHalfwake是一家新兴又低调的Cafe但营业时间相当奇怪一个星期只营业三天也就是星期五至日
jazz posted jazzlah.blogspot.com 190 ReviewsKOTA是一家精致充满法式韵味餐点有惊喜服务生亲切和独具一格的餐厅
Elmural Cafe
Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 ReviewsElmural Cafe specializes in Pork dishes as well as Ice Creams; the food has got nothing to do with murals.
jazz posted jazzlah.blogspot.com 190 Reviews这里的Rib Eye Steak也相当不错绝对值得推荐给喜欢吃牛肉的朋友
Hotel Jen Penang
lingzie posted www.lingzie.com 195 ReviewsI was delighted to note that there are quite a number of dishes catered to vegetarians (cos my mom is a full-time vegetarian).
Mess Hall Cafe & Restaurant
enqvist posted www.tasteiest.com 222 ReviewsNicely decorated bar and open ceiling design that allow sunshine go directly into the building which is very comfortable.
Paper Pepper Cafe
enqvist posted www.tasteiest.com 222 ReviewsI am very impress with the post card design, it is very detail and cute.