Chinese Restaurants in Jalan Tengah, Penang @ Bayan Lepas – 2 Restaurants
Restaurant Foong Yean
isaactan posted 327 ReviewsSuperbRecently I've had my fair share of trips down to my hometown Penang, and on one of those weekend trips, we found ourselves dining at Foong Yuen Chinese Restaurant in Bayan Lepas area. Now this restaurant wasn't new to me, as I have dined several times before in the past with fellow colleagues.
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Bayan Lepas and Bayan Lepas Restaurants
by Travelopy
Tai Fuu Chinese Restaurant 大富小食馆
Business Hour
11:30am – 2:30pm, 6.00pm – 10:00pm (Thursday open from 11:30am – 2:30pm only)
noweating posted 370 ReviewsThe menu’s prices are quite fixed (e.g. RM6.00, RM8.00, RM10.00, etc). Unlike other restaurants, this air-conditioned shop does not feel too smokey. You should try it one day if you pass by there.