Western Restaurants in Bandar Hilir @ Melaka – 11 Restaurants
The restaurant brings you with a variety of delights that assured you with the full tummy to head back home.
pamela_ybc posted 10 years ago www.malaysianfoodie.com 997 Reviews
Alto Sky Lounge
Alto Sky Lounge offers guests spectacular views of Melaka’s coastal township. Sit back and relax against this stunning backdrop while sipping a mix of deftly crafted cocktails, delicious light bites and a variety of fine wines.
Featuring a polished design, upscale ambience and the dulcet tones of a live band, Alto is the perfect venue for mixing business with pleasure.
pamela_ybc posted 10 years ago www.malaysianfoodie.com 997 Reviews
Teddie Bear Cafe
TBC is a thematic concept cafe serving wholesome and semi- health conscious food and beverages. For those who wants to experience a cuddle feel with lots of teddie bear while hanging out with friends this is a cafe worth your visit. For more info, you can visit our facebook website at www.facebook....com/tbcmelakaread more
Sam Patissier
Sam Patissier, a gastronomic indulgence not to be missed.
lushia posted 13 years ago iloveyummyfood.com 90 Reviews
Hotel Equatorial Melaka
Room Service to try out both Italian and Japanese Food. There were just too many fine restaurants in the hotel, Kampachi (勘八), Rest House Café, Seri Nyonya Peranakan Restaurant and so much more.
先來一杯black咖啡醒神, 然後Chicken Salad 配牛肉片+2口 Nasi Lemak
masako7179 posted 14 years ago princessmasako80.blogspot.com 286 Reviews
ETC Coffee Corner
Tasty, flacky, puffy sardine puff and yummy chicken pie. I would recommend the huge doughnuts with freshly brewed coffee or cappucino.