Zouk Cafe Bar

Cuisines Western

Dining & Entertainment now goes a notch up once excellent meals & great music goes hand in hand.

posted malaysiasfood.com


A nice place to land for tea and chat, situated in a atrium at the Gardens, Mid Valley.


Cuisines Western

The Nandos there is ok.. jus the services is not that good.

DaDDy YanKeeS

Cuisines Western

Replacement Of Rice To Healthy Burgers! Great Choice For Healthy Concern N Dietry Citizens..! An Attempt For The Younger Generation In Having An Wholesome Food..!

Plan B

Cuisines Western

one of my favourtite dish in plan b is grilled egg plant, capsicum and feta cheese salad. yummy must have

suyee posted su-yee.blogspot.com 402 Reviews

Beard Papa’s Cream Puff

Cuisines Western

The cream is not heavy. It won't make you feel pukey. It’s not super sweet, nor super greasy. It's superb yummy. Heard that people are queueing up to buy this, but it's not that popular here in Malaysia yet.

Kenny Rogers Roasters

Cuisines Western

Coffee Bean

Cuisines Western

New flavored coffee from Coffee Bean " Nutty Delight". this is so call nut+ coffee ice blended drinks.

nikelkhor posted www.nikelkhor.com 486 Reviews

The Spaghetti Farm

Cuisines Western

Cincai eat at Spaggetti Farm because we really have no idea what to eat in Mid Valley

Jessycayong posted jess-concrete.blogspot.com 127 Reviews

Vertigo Club

Cuisines Western
Business Hour Tue - Sat: 9:00 pm - 3:00 am

Izzy's Cafe

Cuisines Local Western

Mix of italian, local and international cuisine ... didn't find the food too special, nor the location.