Michelangelo's Italian Kitchen

Cuisines Western Italian

Will i return? Probably- i want to try their prawn pasta and when i do not want to pay nerovivo prices.

neko1712 posted neko-no-hime.blogspot.com 145 Reviews


Cuisines Italian

Despite there being no Italian in the kitchen, Italiannies does a decent job of delivering Italian tastes and ambiance, and I was greatly reassured to find that menu choices are unashamedly Italian, and not made spicy purely to satisfy those who would rather be eating nasi lemak (but chili flakes are on hand if you do need some fire).

YouHadYourLunch posted youhadyourlunch.blogspot.com 208 Reviews

Puzzini Swedish Pizza

Business Hour Mondays – Friday: 11.00am – 3.00pm & 5.00pm – 10.00pm Saturday, Sundays & Public Holidays: 11.00am – 10.00pm

Puzzini Swedish Pizza in Damansara Utama is a small restaurant with pizza as their speciality. It is quite famous among the neighbourhood there.

summerkid posted summerkid123.blogspot.com 235 Reviews

Fasta Pasta Restaurant

Cuisines Western Italian
Business Hour open daily, 10-10pm

Fasta Pasta is an Australian chain restaurant. All pasta are made fresh daily. Apparently, it's learnt that Fasta Pasta has over 36 restaurants in Australia, spanning Queensland, Northern Territory, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia and 2 years ago, they have then expanded internationally into Malaysia. At Fasta Pasta, it's known that da pasta is low in fat, low in kilojoules and it has a good source of fibre. Besides that, I was told that they use Unbleached Flour; free of chemical and use Wheat Pasta because it has a slow release of carbohydrate into our body and give us a longer-lasting energy.

Do try this place for good wholesome Italian food with the aussie feel.

neko1712 posted neko-no-hime.blogspot.com 145 Reviews

icook Italian Gastronomia

Cuisines Western Italian
Business Hour Mon-Fri, 8am-9:30pm; Sat, 12pm-10:30pm (Closed on Sundays)


zappalangzpl posted zap-pa-lang.blogspot.com 74 Reviews

Castell Restaurant & Bar

Cuisines Western Italian

we all had a great dinner and definitely now, to go for nice steak at a reasonable price, surely this is one of the restaurant to hunt for.

taufulou posted www.taufulou.com 674 Reviews

Terrace Arms

Cuisines Western Italian
Business Hour Open all days except Sunday from 4 till midnight.

This Steak & Grill house serves one of the finest steak in town with it's unique home-made sauces and a fine selection of wines. The pastas and spaghetti are also served with perfection in taste together with the bruschettas to complement the Italian food list. It's bar serves all types of beer and liquor with a happy hour price all night on the beer selection.

Pizza Milanos

Cuisines Western Italian

Pizza Milano was located near to TGV cinema at the old wing. You could find variety italian style of pizza and spaghetti here.

summerkid posted summerkid123.blogspot.com 235 Reviews

Retro Kitchen

Cuisines Western Italian
Business Hour 12pm-11pm ( break from 3.30-5.30pm on weekdays) Close on Monday.

Retro theme concept with 60s - 70s decorations, collections and music.


We took a chance and tryout a cafe located in the SS2 area. A lot of time people might not even noticed this little cafe located just above 7 Eleven. And there are two 7 Eleven located within SS2. Which one you may ask? The one near Geylang Lor 9, famous for its Frog Porridge from Singapore. If you're still unsure, it's the same row as Island Cafe and a few doors away and located on the 1st Floor.

csylisa posted www.iliketoeatlah.com

Lamp Post Pizza

Cuisines Western Italian
Business Hour Dinner Time Till Midnight

This is probably the first mamak restaurant that have a real Italian mat salleh to bake pizza for them. The chef is well dressed and the table is clean including its cooking utensils. It take sometime for him to bake the pizza around 25 minutes to get the pizza served. The bread are kneaded on the spot and not like Pizza Hut which using ready made breads.

Coconut House Casual Italian Restaurant

Cuisines Western Italian
Business Hour 10am to 10pm

The environment gives you a very relax feeling. Food wise, only the pizza is good. The rest so so only.

Pasta mania

Cuisines Western Italian