Four Seasons Seafood Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese

Dine at Four Seasons Restaurant before/after the events, so convenient!

summerkid posted 568 Reviews

Ah sang Bak Kut Teh

Cuisines chinese
Business Hour 7 am to 2 pm

Head to this place early or don’t go at all because everything sells up FAST!


亚汕肉骨茶是一家在八打灵一带(kelana jaya)蛮有名传统肉骨茶店。他家的肉骨茶,汤色偏黑,远远就可闻到浓浓的当归药材香。像别的肉骨茶店,你可选择肉的肥瘦,猪内脏,加金针菇, 油条。。。

zappalangzpl posted 74 Reviews

Grand Imperial

Cuisines Chinese

位于 1 Utama 的喜粤酒家是我每年必定光顾的酒家之一,皆因我和家人都爱吃鱼生,也觉得这里的鱼生做得挺不错。我们一共六人,点了四人份的套餐。之前来过这里点六人份的套餐,份量都非常的大,每个人吃得非常的撑,所以点四人份的刚刚好,孰不知这一次的份量却缩水了很多。

zappalangzpl posted 74 Reviews

Samy Bak Kut Teh (三美肉骨茶)

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Daily: 6.30 am - 2 pm

Drop by Samy for some great hearty porky breakkie, especially if you're not residing in Klang to find out the genuine taste of a BKT.

jkdrooling posted 199 Reviews

Lam’s Kitchen

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Opens daily from 10am till 9.30pm

Besides noodles and rice dishes, Lam’s Kitchen actually serves a host of other dishes, including all kinds of Hongkong-style roast meats, claypot items, double-boiled soups, one-dish meals and even dim sum.

PureGlutton posted 234 Reviews

Unique Seafood Damansara Restaurant & Banquet

Cuisines Chinese

My favourite noodle dish at Unique Seafood and one which I never skip ordering is their signature Fried Meehoon Glass Noodles. The mixture of these 2 types of noodles yields a delightful “bouncy” texture to the combination and the chef does a good “wok hei” job on it too.

PureGlutton posted 234 Reviews

Leng Loong Seafood Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Lunch: 10.30am to 2.30pm Dinner: 5.30pm to 11pm Closed every alternate Wednesday

Drop by Leng Loong for some of these Kong Sai favourites – simple rustic dishes that require lots of white rice to go with!

PureGlutton posted 234 Reviews

Green Meadow Cafe (绿禾养生坊)

Cuisines Chinese

You won't feel guilty after having meals here, best for detoxification and healthy goers.

welkin0628 posted

Fish Valley Semenyih Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese

Fish Valley Semenyih located near Nirvana Memorial Park. This is a fishing heaven for fishing fan. The place is very big, the fishing pond is big and the restaurant also very big. The restaurant is in the center, so you still can enjoy watching people fishing while having your meal.

Pohkemon posted 197 Reviews

OOI Noodle House

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Opens from 7am until 4pm

Love it as the taste of the soup have not change much and indeed there is a clear difference of soup base if were to compare to his sister’s shop – Ah Or Pork Noodle at Sunway Mentari. This is still a clear winner. Food Rating 9.5/10, quality is still there after 13 years~ -Stamped-

posted 674 Reviews

Restoran Wong Meng Kee

Cuisines Chinese Malaysian
Business Hour 每天 11:00-22:30

年初四这一天我们趁着出外到住家附近用餐,便顺道点了一客鱼生解一解瘾。 蒲种的黄明记海鲜餐馆是我蛮喜欢的餐馆之一,这里很多招牌菜都很对味。可惜因为是新年的关系,大厨们把心机都放在新年特色菜式,很多平时吃到的招牌菜都没有,所以这一次点了很多新的菜色,算是在熟悉的餐馆来个大冒险~

zappalangzpl posted 74 Reviews

Restoran 99

Cuisines Chinese

The rice was perfectly cooked, moist and wonderfully palatable.

jkdrooling posted 199 Reviews

Restoran Wai Kei

Cuisines Chinese

Everyone seems to enjoy this home cooked Hakka dishes but the last two noodle dishes were nothing special. Overall the food here is good. We shall be back.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews