Chinese, Local Restaurants in Ipoh, Perak – 4 Restaurants
Sin yuan loong 新源隆茶室
Business Hour
6:00am – 5:00pm
zappalangzpl posted 74 ReviewsGood久闻新源隆的咖啡很好喝猪肠粉好吃,可是每次来到怡保都碰巧没开门,这次一看道店们大开,老吴和我高兴得冲去尝美食。 这次我们只有两个人,所以我们决定放弃烤面包,点了炸料,咖喱面,猪肠粉,炖蛋,还不忘打包叉烧回家。哈哈!!吃到两个人撑死了><
Missing Marbles
Business Hour
Open 10am – 7:30pm Closed on Tuesdays
TheYumList posted 552 ReviewsReasons to visit: wonderfully creative atmosphere (we could spend hours discovering the clever adornment); pork-free local dishes that everyone can enjoy.
Tower Regency Hotel
Reanaclaire posted 133 ReviewsActually the taste is not too bad if one does not start to compare with other restaurants.
Kedai Makanan Dan Minuman Desa Rishah
Business Hour
They’re opened from about 11am onwards, until late afternoon. Only for lunch. On Sundays, they start from 8.30am onwards.
Closed on Mondays.