Chinese Restaurants in Puchong, Selangor – 221 Restaurants

Yuyi Bak Kut Teh
It is a restaurant located in Puchong industrial park. Among the 11 Bak Kut Teh outlets that have been opened in this particular area, we find that Yu Yi appears to be the one of the best among all with nice food, clean and comfortable environment and also the good hospitality services.

dfs Cafe (鲜到鲜食)
Delicious and popular are 海鲜猪肉粉 and 生虾鱼头米 and their drinks not bad too, and very speciall, exp green tea shake you have to try it). yummy ....yummy....包你吃上瘾
Old Freinds Dim Sum
oldfriends postedExceptionalBeside our premium dim sum, we are adding some rice menu into our lunch and diner menu!
Restoran Hoppy
全马首创药材烧腊海鲜饮食机构 The First & Original Herbal Roasted Duck. 吃鸭也能补身, 神奇吧! 不说你不知; 全马首创药材烧腊 `好比鸭王`, 就做到了! 原来这里的老板以药材制作出一道道有益的鸭, 而主要的药材都是顶级的, 主要有当归; 因为当归是最容易入味的
Restoran Yu ShiFu (鱼师傅清蒸非洲鱼)
"Sea Tilapia" selling here! Which is much better than normal Tilapia! Our Tilapia steamed with XO and special soy sauce made by our own. Must try!