俊凭的声音部落格| Willy's Audio Blog by WillyWah
D’ Piaza Mall
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews试过了牛蛙之后,我还蛮喜欢它那种顺滑的口感,不错哦!大家也不妨来试一试!那些爱吃田鸡的朋友,如今可以尝试牛蛙咯!
Sakana Japanese Restaurant
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews这次再度光临,我期待的是更多的惊喜,果真他们的进度十分神速,在一位超过二十年经验的厨师掌控下,料理方面开始出现一些较为不同的变化,最明显的是他们的寿司pizza和拉面burger。
Sapphires Restaurant
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews香料似乎有一股魔力,让我们沉醉在其中,心情变得特别愉悦,这一顿晚餐感觉美好。
Pekmor (white Hair) Hokkien Char 白毛福建炒
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews吃完那种满足感油然而生,我真的无法形容那一种非常特俗的味道,那种味道的确有别于我平常吃的炒河粉。
TWG (The Wellness Group) Tea Salon & Boutique
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews其实,我不敢说我自己很会吃,但是对于这里的糕饼,我是略带失望。这里的茶无可否认是非常香而且顺滑,但是我还是期望在糕饼方面也可以有同样的素质。
Bangkok Lane Mee Goreng
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 ReviewsMahboob除了炒出一盘盘让人垂涎欲滴的炒面外,你也许可以试试他的Mee Rebus,也是一样让你吃出美好的滋味。
Daily Fresh
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews爆米花好美,5种口味各具特色,我最喜欢的是咖喱和蜜瓜口味,我喜欢蜜瓜的甜味和咖喱的香味,有的朋友说挺辣的,但对于我来说还可以。
Gaik Lean‘s Old School Eatery
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews由于今天只是带香港朋友来品尝美食,因此没有特地记录价格,这一顿饭总共花了大约RM70,价格就和平日娘惹餐厅吃的不分上下,值得大家去试一试。
Coffee Affairs
Handcrafted Specialty Coffee. Single origin, Specialty Blends, Flavoured Coffee, Retail & Wholesale
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews在城内,好像没有几家咖啡馆有提供这种单品咖啡。这里的吧台就像是实验桌,各种咖啡豆被置放在试管内,选好自己喜爱的咖啡豆后,就让工作人员为你用赛风来冲泡咖啡。
Nasi Kandar Line Clear
Most authentic nasi kandar in Penang for 50 years. It taste even better when eat with hand.
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 ReviewsNasi Kandar, 无人不晓,但是来自外地的你是否知道乔治市就存在了一家Nasi Kandar的老招牌?如果有机会的话,不妨到这儿试一试吧!
Mon Delice Pattiserie
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews对我而言,甜得发腻的蛋糕是我最抗拒的,再来就是香得太假的蛋糕也是我最讨厌的,偏偏城中好吃的蛋糕却没有几家。幸运的是,我找到了一家能够让我为之醉心的烘培店 – Mon Delice。
The Safe Room
lThe Safe Room is a café with liquid nitrogen dessert, coffee and pastry located in Penang UNESCO area which has a LOVE LOCK tree in the vault.
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews我还未真正品尝过他们的食品,因此未能写得太详尽。希望下次来这里用餐时,食物的水平也一样能够叫人惊艳.
Jawi House Cafe Gallery
Nestled in historic and fashionable Armenian Street, Jawi House is a gallery that specialises in local artworks, prints, hand-painted fabrics and carvings. It is also a cafe that specialises in modernised as well as traditional Jawi Peranakan cuisine.
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews平日吃多了华人餐、西餐和那些有的没的咖啡馆,是时候来尝一尝一些偏向中东和马来风味的美食。这一篇介绍,希望大家会喜欢。
Vivo Pizza
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews甜品方面也有很多选择,不过根据经理的介绍说巧克力pizza是柔佛分行里最畅销的,于是我们也点一个来品尝。在下料方面可见非常舍得,一粒粒杏仁及marshmallow 让唇齿在柔软及坚硬的口感中回旋,巧克力也浓厚香醇,难怪成为柔佛顾客的首选甜品。
TGI Friday's
Service was great here with their bubbly friendly staffs. Food was good and ambience? Felt like it was overseas - the restaurant deco resembles what's being done in the USA. I think it's worth the price being paid for!
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews我们的晚餐就这么欢喜的度过,好久都没来这儿了,食物的味道依旧。有时间,我们还会来这里光顾。你是否也在这里有过美好的回忆呢?