Where to eat?

Restaurants in Dataran Sunway Mentari, Selangor: sunway

Restoran Hoppy

Cuisines Chinese

... 8/5, Dataran Mentari Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Average

Hoppy Restaurant is originated from Johor Bahru. It was started by a Chan family in the 1980s. Hoppy has become popular the past two decades due to its traditional recipes for making herbal roasted duck in three styles -- Szechuan-styled or with ginseng and dong guai (both Chinese herbs). They are good in seafood and home cooked dishes. You can always see that this place is jammed pack with buses and buses of tourists if you dine in.

Wendy's Bistro

Cuisines Western
Business Hour Daily 11am - 11pm

... 20 Jalan PJS8/18, Dataran Sunway Mentari, Petaling Jaya, Ranging between RM20 ...

With a tag line that reads “Where People With Good Taste Meet” … one would really like to find out more about this place. Wendy’s is pretty well decorated …black and white tiles form part of the interior, lending contrast to the tall, imposing wooden-framed glass door. Jefri Cheong, the chef in Wendy’s works in an open concept kitchen. The kitchen occupies a small corner filled with all the required utensils for him to create his masterpieces.

Ren Ren Hokkien Bak Kut Teh (Sunway Mentari)

Cuisines chinese non-halal

spicy, Claypot Bak Kut Teh, Kedai Makanan & Minuman Ren Ren No.3, Grd Flr, Jln PJS 8/10, Sunway Mentari, Dataran Sunway Mentari, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

“Hokkien” Bak Kut Teh

Ginger Tree Restaurant

Cuisines Western

Ginger Tree Restaurant, Strawberry Smoothie, Lychee Ice, Flower Tea, Dragon Fruit Lychee, Potato Soup, Steak, Alfredo Pepper Salmon, White Sauce Spaghetti with Prawn, Grilled Salmon, Vegetarian ...

HOK SENG buffet steamboat

Cuisines Steamboat
Business Hour 5.00pm - 11.30pm (Daily)

... 8/17,Dataran Mentari, Bandar Sunway,46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

There have plenty side dish for you which can fill your stomach while waiting for steamboat ready to eat. Like this! I guess you will only get this all seafood snack on here.

nikelkhor posted www.nikelkhor.com 486 Reviews

Resto Surabaya

Cuisines Indonesian Surabaya

... PJS 8/2. Dataran Mentari – Sunway Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 46150 18-1 ...

Welcome to visit your brand-new-cozy-modern place to eat and/or hang out with your family and friends. We serve our traditional home made cookery: Ayam Goreng Lova, Rawon Sapi, Soto Ayam Lamongan, Sate Ayam Ponorogo, and many more (not to mention some traditional drink delicacies) ...

Umami House of Steamboat

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11am-2pm (lunch @ RM21.80 nett per pax), 5-11pm (dinner @ RM26.80 nett per pax)

Steamboat, Crab, Meat, Fried Chicken Wing, Ice Cream, Umami Steamboat & Restaurant, Steamboat, Steamboat Ingredient, Seafood, Grilled Crab, Chicken Wings, Grill Fish, Satay, Brinjal, Marmite Chicken, ...

It's our first time there, we weren't surprise for the foods they served there. Typical fishballs, meatballs,sotong ball ice cream balls.... yeah. Nothing to shout about. ;)

EuniceEunny posted www.greentearedbean.com 215 Reviews