Where to eat?

Malaysian Restaurants in Malaysia: japanese

Waterfront Restaurant

Top 10 Restaurants in Sarawak
Business Hour Sun-Thur : 6am-11pm, Fri-Sat:6am-1am

Seafood Set, Japanese Set and Seafood Set, Dessert and Fruits, Fruits, Bread, Buffet Dinner: RM75++

888 Food Planet

Business Hour 24 hours

Sweet and sour pork with rice, Char kuay teow, Pork chop noodles, Sweet and Sour "sauce" chicken chop rice, Lor Bak, Soya bean milk and Tong Yuen, Korean Pork Chop RIce, Lemon Grass Chicken Rice Set, ...

Over 30 stalls, serving a diverse array of food in a clean environment, both halal and non-halal. I observed dessert stalls, as well as Chinese, Malay, Indian, Western, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Taiwan et al. This food court operates 24/7 and environment wise are very cozy and clean. The foods served are proportion to the price paid and also plenty of variety to choose from.

The Little Cafe

Top 500 Restaurants in Johor
Cuisines Western Malaysian

Nasi Ayam Nyonya, Fries, No 32-1, Jalan Othman, Muar, Johor, japanese green tea (RM3.50)

Ivy's Kitchen

Top 500 Restaurants in Penang
Cuisines Malaysian
Business Hour Weekday: 930am - 5pm, 6pm - 930pm. Weekend: 12pm - 5pm, 6pm - 930pm. Closed: 每月第一和第三个星期一.

... , 10250 Penang. (Beside Isaribi Tei Japanese Restaurant), Combo A (RM9): nasi ...

This shop located at Jalan Chow Thye, is beside Isaribi Tei Japanese Restaurant. Very reasonable price & food portion. This will definately be the best place for lunch for now.

走入室內,發覺餐廳的面積真的不大。右邊兩張小圓形雲石餐桌相互依偎地靠向白色的右牆,還把牆角的精緻桌燈給遮掩了半邊。餐廳左邊則毫無規則地擺著又大又小的圓形餐桌。連同門外的三張餐桌,Ivy's Nyonya Cuisine大概只有不到十個餐座。朱紅色的墻面畫有攀岩植物狀的圖紋,還有一些鑲在鏡框中的圖畫作點綴。由天花板垂吊下來的鳥籠吊燈,甚有美感,可說是店裡最美的擺設了。對著室內用餐區域的小窗口,即是餐廳的櫃檯。在這旁邊,還有一條通往洗手間的小走廊,到處擺滿雜物。顯然的,餐廳的簡約裝潢從不打算譁眾取寵,反而毫無掩飾地保留了家的原貌,飄散著一股親切的味道。

posted where-2-makan.blogspot.com