Where to eat?

Halal, Seafood Restaurants in Malaysia: halal

Suggestions: Halal Cuisines

Port View Seafood Village

Top 50 Restaurants in Sabah
Cuisines Seafood Halal
Business Hour 11am-11pm daily

Clams, Boiled Live Prawns, Deep Fried Soft Shell Crabs, Stir-fry Sabah veggie, Signature Fried Noodle, coconut pudding, Butter Prawn,Clams,Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab, Sabah's King Lobster Sashimi, ...

Parameswara Grilling Fish

Top 500 Restaurants in Melaka
Cuisines Seafood Halal

Grilled Fish, Nasi Lemak, Fresh Seafood, Fresh Fish, Otak-otak, Boiled Cockles, Grilled "Ikan Jenak", Sweet & Sour Ikan Kerapu, Fishing Boats at Jetty, Sotong Goreng Tepung, Nasi lemak, Otak otak, ...

A seafood joint situated right next to the mouth of the river flowing to the Straits

The Manhattan Fish Market

Top 500 Restaurants in Penang
Cuisines Western Halal Seafood

Manhattan Fish Market, Tropical Breeze and Mango Juice, Grilled Gala, Prawns and Squids, Fish Fillets and Mussels, Fried Calamari, Kickin’ Shrimps, Garlic Herb Mussels, Fried Country Mushrooms, ...

Famous of Seafood.


It's been awhile since I dined at Manhattan Fish Market. Now I feel this franchise was nice when it came out years ago, but in recent times after having a meal there, I remind myself over and over again not to do it so often. I did not really like the after taste, probably due to the oil and method of deep frying the seafood that Manhattan uses that I can't get used to.

isaactan posted www.isaactan.net 327 Reviews