Where to eat?

Chinese Restaurants in Kuala Lumpur, Setapak: japanese

Restoran Setapak Teochew

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Closed on Sundays.

... , Chinese Biscuits, Teochew Fishballs in Japanese seaweed soup, Teochew White Beehoon ...

Ambiance is good the shop is half air-con and half natural ventilated. It's always pack during peak hours.

hAppYHapPy posted tailim.blogspot.com 740 Reviews

Kedai Makanan TiTi Yong Tow Foo

Cuisines Chinese

... Yong Tow Foo, Steamed Egg, Japanese Tofu fried with an assortment ...

This is a simple steamed egg cuisine yet a delicious dish which comprises of 3 kinds of egg, fresh egg, salted egg and century egg. It was soft, smooth and tasty

hAppYHapPy posted tailim.blogspot.com 740 Reviews