Where to eat?
Bakery Restaurants in Malaysia: western food
Kiwi Xpress
No. 8, Jalan USJ 9/5N, Subang Jaya, 47620 Selangor., Drinks (RM3.50 to RM8.00 for milkshakes), Noodles (RM8.90 - 13.90), Nasi lemak ayam (RM 8.90++), Set meals (RM 29.90++), Kiwi juice (RM 5.50)
Kiwi Xpress offers selections of western food and local food.
H Gallery Cafe
Signature Seafood Platter, Beef Wellington, Pimiento Rojo Seafood Spaghetti, Our Special Nasi Lemak, Our Signature Seafood Platter.Prebook required., Our English Breakfast Set, Our Fruits Salad with ...
A gallery cafe serves Western and Local Asian Cuisine. We also serve one of the best coffee and drinks in town. Any Day's a relax day! Enjoy anyday with a great food and great times. And treat yourself at the end of the week @ H Gallery Cafe.
ExceptionalThe Food is gorgeous and the environment is perfect for a great meal.
hgallerycafe posted 9 years ago