Daorae Korean BBQ Restaurant

Cuisines Korean


Cuisines Korean

So overall this restaurant is a good place to hangout with their delicious Ice Blended Chocolate. About their food, they are cheap but the quality is not there yet. Maybe we have not tried others yet.

Pas De Nom posted chillout-soulout-freakout.blogspot.com 471 Reviews

Mureung Dowon

Cuisines Korean
Business Hour 11.30am - 3.00pm; 5.30pm - 11.00pm (off on Monday)

Overall, this is a good restaurant that serve authentic and high quality meat even it is a coupon offer. This offer is real good but too bad that the service is real bad. One, the disappointing waiter who left the meat on the grill just like that and second, the Korean boss who gave an annoying face when you refill too frequently.

Pas De Nom posted chillout-soulout-freakout.blogspot.com 471 Reviews

Arisu Korea Cuisine

Cuisines Korean

Fried dumping - best served with vinegar and ginger!

Jessycayong posted jess-concrete.blogspot.com 127 Reviews