
Cuisines Chinese

Fried La Mian with Meat and Black Fungus is tasty. It tasted better than I expected. Personally I am very particular about noodles, likely because my relatives are noodles makers. I like handmade noodles.

jkdrooling posted jkdrooling.blogspot.com 199 Reviews
More about Selangor and Selangor Restaurants by Travelopy

Hok Seng Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese

Excellent sweet and sour pork ... And perfectly cooked mantis shrimp in ham-tan (salted egg) too!

juliansi posted juliansi.blogspot.com 1033 Reviews

Restoran Hainan Curry Rice

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 5pm to 9pm

The Char Siew was lovely, not exactly BBQ but more like fried. The meat is lean yet it was still tender with a slight crisp. Hainan Char Siew (BBQ pork) is their best sellers.

The damage for two person, less than RM 20.00. (Rating : 4.0 out of 5.0).

stevenycs posted craving4food.blogspot.com 281 Reviews

Chicken Rice Shop

Cuisines Chinese

Koong Woh Tong

Cuisines Chinese

Koong Woh Tong serves herbal teas and a very delicious gwai-lin goh or herbal jelly.

juliansi posted juliansi.blogspot.com 1033 Reviews

Mandarijn Cafe

Cuisines Chinese

Simple udon meal, served in 2 varieities ... a broth variety and a thicker szechuan style variety. Both were rather good!

Sally Yummy House

Cuisines Chinese Western
Business Hour 11am-10pm (Monday Off)