Ampang Loke Yun Chicken Rice (安邦乐园鸡饭)

Top 500 Restaurants in Selangor
Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 10:30 am - 3 pm & 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Close on Thursday Night & Alternate Thursday

The chicken here is steamed and unlike some places where you'll get a chicken with a thick layer of skin & fat, Loke Yun uses very 'healthy' chicken. The layer of skin is very thin & the fat almost non existent. So health conscious diners will find this appealling.

It is no wonder people are still flocking to this place even after so many years. Loke Yun Chicken Rice has definitely lived up to its high standard that its founder, Mr. Pang Gui had passed on to the current generation.

posted 229 Reviews
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Restoran Foong Foong

Cuisines chinese
Business Hour Daily 10am to 7pm Closed On Tuesday

The fried Wan Tans!!! Seriously this is the best I've eaten so far!!!! So BIG and juicy! *slurrp*

Foong Foong is the most popular among the several shops in Ampang.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

New Heong Kee Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese

Our appetite were superb that evening we made additional orders to ensure a full satisfaction was achieved. Obviously we left the restaurant with smiling faces.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Mei Keng Fatt Seafood Restaurant

Business Hour 11.00am - 2.30pm, 4.00pm - 1.00am

A seafood restaurant that offers a wide array of dishes Mei Keng Fatt in Ampang serves very good quality seafood and the price is very reasonable too.

SKH River View Seafood Village

Cuisines Chinese Seafood

Braised pork knuckles in clay pot was another lovely indulgence of good & sinful food.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Restoran Orchard View Yong Tau Foo

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 8am till 5pm daily (Closed on alternate Wednesdays)

Their Yong Tau Foo is the only thing which is acceptable but still do not consider as delicious because the meat is easily come out which is not consider a good Yong Tau Foo.

Pas De Nom posted 471 Reviews

Restoran Beng Kee

Cuisines Chinese

The difference between Restoran Beng Kee and Restoran Mei Keng Fatt is that Beng Kee is popular among the local whereas Mei Keng Fatt is more for the expatriates. The service at Beng Kee Restaurant is better & friendly.

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Intai Intai Restaurant

Cuisines Malay Chinese

Soo Kee Char Siew

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Closed on Monday Operating Hours: 12 noon - 9 p.m.

Once upon a time maybe...but now the char siew has more fat than meat. You are paying for fat.

colinh posted

Golden Seafood Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 10.30am - 2.30pm

Six Happiness Garden Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese

Well, the quality and taste of the dim sum was not that nice compared to last time.

summerkid posted 235 Reviews

Kim Kee Nasi Ayam Hailam

Cuisines Chinese

I heard their Chicken rice is equally as good....I shall then return .....

hAppYHapPy posted 740 Reviews

Kampung Baru Ampang Home Made Pan Mee

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour MONDAY-SUNDAY (7.00AM-11.30AM)

Ampang Homeland Yong Tau Foo Sdn Bhd

Cuisines Chinese

The service of this shop is real good and fast.'s really delicious.

small kucing posted 554 Reviews

May Mey Gourmet Seafood Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 5.30PM-1.30AM