Restaurants in Kuala Lumpur @ Lingkaran Syed Putra – 223 Restaurants
Duckie posted 304 ReviewsI've tried the 'imitation' version too ... like from this place called QQ Snowmix at Sri Petaling. Somehow, I prefer Snowflake.
Homi CurryPuff
They are lovely!
suyee posted 402 ReviewsWhat i like about it , is its not as oily as other Curry puffs and if you are a fan of the crispy outer layer of the puff, this one is for you.
DaDDy YanKeeS
Replacement Of Rice To Healthy Burgers! Great Choice For Healthy Concern N Dietry Citizens..! An Attempt For The Younger Generation In Having An Wholesome Food..!
Coriander Leaf Cafe
Do private functions at our restaurant and caterings. Do call for more information.
li_ping posted 26 ReviewsSuperbChicken Curry Kapitan is well known as a distinct Nyonya fare. Although I think that the appearance of the dish doesn't appeal to me, the taste was exceptional. It's certainly a great dish to recommend to spicy food lover, especially if you love to eat your rice with lots of sauces.
Isthmus KL
ISTHMUS, and is affiliated to that chain of restaurants in Melbourne, Isthmus of Kra, Monsoon and Madam Fang. (ie, one of the owners owns or used to own those restaurants). I hear their trademark baked oysters in terra cotta plates will be featured here as well.
The chicken rice shop
new dishes came out which is butter chicken The chicken is actually very nice!! Meat is soft and tender. Pai tee is nice too!!!
Uri Udon
zappalangzpl posted 74 ReviewsBad热明太子乌冬一上来时我傻眼了一下,面上可以看到明太子和蛋,旁边还有一坨美奶滋!!我从没吃过美奶滋拌面,觉得很神奇:)
Plan B
suyee posted 402 Reviewsone of my favourtite dish in plan b is grilled egg plant, capsicum and feta cheese salad. yummy must have
Beard Papa’s Cream Puff
The cream is not heavy. It won't make you feel pukey. It’s not super sweet, nor super greasy. It's superb yummy. Heard that people are queueing up to buy this, but it's not that popular here in Malaysia yet.
Beard Papa's
The shop offers delicious cream puffs which use the best ingredient including vanilla bean pods for the custard cream. It was started 1997 in Japan, and till today, you can find outlet in Hong Kong, Singapore, Hollywood, Beijing, Hawaii, New York... etc, and Malaysia, recently opened an outlet in Mid Valley megamall.