Ikan Bakar Gerai No.3

Cuisines Malay

Hidden behind Istana Negara along Jalan Bellamy is an array of ikan bakar stalls next to each other forming a medan ikan bakar.

Overall, the food is okay, once a while to dine here is pretty alright as the price is a little pricy compare to the location of it.

taufulou posted www.taufulou.com 674 Reviews
More about Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Lumpur Restaurants by Travelopy

Gerai Seri Menanti

Cuisines Mamak

Iis also known as behind Istana Negara (National Palace in Malay).The environment was nothing special and hot.

Gerai Seri Melaka

Cuisines Malay
Business Hour 10am-3 pm, 6pm- 12 midnight. Close on Sundays.