Halal Restaurants in Bayan Lepas @ Penang – 3 Restaurants
Batu Maung Seafood Restaurant
Business Hour
11.30am -2.30pm and 6.00pm-11.00pm
This restaurant has a splendid view of the rolling gentle sea with many fishing vessels which brings a sense of calmness to the mind.
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Penang and Penang Restaurants
by Travelopy
The Manhattan Fish Market
Famous of Seafood.
BadIt's been awhile since I dined at Manhattan Fish Market. Now I feel this franchise was nice when it came out years ago, but in recent times after having a meal there, I remind myself over and over again not to do it so often. I did not really like the after taste, probably due to the oil... and method of deep frying the seafood that Manhattan uses that I can't get used to. read more
isaactan posted 13 years ago www.isaactan.net 327 Reviews