Hainan Tea

Cuisines Asian Local Western

Ambiance cozy with wifi and great service! Indoor air con & side walk option


I love their kaya because it is really tasty which makes me wish to buy some back. However, what you see here and their menu looks really really different. Kinda deceiving and their butter is so stingily applied. If not that, I will give them a full mark.

Pas De Nom posted chillout-soulout-freakout.blogspot.com 471 Reviews

Medan Selera Kelana Jaya


Monster Bites

Business Hour Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Sat: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

MonsterBites is inspired from the notion that healthy food can be delicious,enjoyable and served to-go.Visit us to taste our warm sandwiches with your choice of filling,coupled with rejuvenating fruit smoothies or juices. Now open for your patronage!


Cuisines Western Asian
Business Hour Open from 8am-10pm

Come down for a nice warm cosy garden style cafe restaurant, where the steaks are to die for and the food is great, we cater to garden breakfasts all day as well as private functions.

Bob's Burger

Cuisines Asian Western

Overall, I liked Bob's burger compared to OM burger but that's just me. Both this stall sells really good local (Ramly) burger.

stevenycs posted craving4food.blogspot.com 281 Reviews

Ice Room

Cuisines Dessert Western Asian

Famous for their shaved ice desserts!

Bird Man Cafe & Restaurant 鸟人

Cuisines Western Asian

Bird Man Cafe & Restaurant is my current favourite makan place right now in Aman Suria area.

wackybecky posted www.rebeccasaw.com 545 Reviews

Supper Pub & Restaurant

Cuisines Western Asian

This bar/pub offers a variety of Western & Asian food, & is located in New Town a.k.a. State in Petaling Jaya.

Asia Cafe

Cuisines Western Asian


So, if you’re in the area and would like to sink your teeth into some pork burgers or porky meals, do head over here!

wackybecky posted www.rebeccasaw.com 545 Reviews

Mbuji Cafe

Cuisines Cafe Western Asian
Business Hour Mon - Sun: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm

Mbuji (pronounced as boo-ji) Café , customers get to choose their own beans from our selections from different parts of the world or our own fine grade Mbuji house blend beans.

The Bons Cafe

Business Hour Mon-Fri 730am - 6pm Sat 9am - 9pm Sunday closed

The Bons Cafe is a cosy and home-feel cafe where you can enjoy your lovely and relaxing day (free WiFi!), having a cup of coffee and of course our signature "Teh Tarik", claimed to be the best one in Damansara Jaya? ^^ We are serving Breakfast= Big Breakfast, American Breakfast, Pancakes, French Toast Asian/Western Dishes= Nasi Lemak with Chicken Rendang, Mee Siam, Curry Laksa, Carbonara Spaghetti, Rosemary Chicken, BBQ Chicken etc. Breakfast and lunch set are available!

Riana Space Restaurant

Cuisines Asian Western

Free home delivery and catering services available.