Taipei Taipei

Cuisines Taiwanese

first one was pork chop with rice. a closer look at the rice it seems like a mess but once you taste it, you will keep your mouth shut. because not just it is tasty, authentic, but filled with home cook flavor.

suyee posted 11 years ago 402 Reviews

Par Tea Time

Cuisines Taiwanese

Honestly this Strawberry Vanilla Waffle Ice Cream is big enough to serve 3 person. At Par Tea Time, the waffle and strawberry vanilla ice cream is serve separately. So you no need worry your wafer will soaking wet. And the wafer is so aromatic and crispy. And I like it to serve hot. Whil...e the vanilla ice cream is smooth and not too sweet BUT the strawberry is toooo sourrrr >..<" read more

Pohkemon posted 12 years ago 197 Reviews