Local Restaurants in Lengkuk Nipah, Taman Lip Sin – 1 Restaurants
Super Tanker Food Court Aki Pancake Stall
Business Hour
8.30am-lunch, 6-10pm
Fantastic!!! I loved it!!! There are lots of other pancake stalls that started copying them but none as good as Aki Pancake. Their convention-defying pancakes which are loaded with all sorts of un-traditional fillings like pineapple, tom yam, red bean, turkey ham.
applefish posted www.applefish.net 192 Reviews在这里享用曼煎糕,你不会吃到那种破坏味感的厚皮曼煎糕,而是皮薄馅多,口味又多类的曼煎糕。