Where to eat?

Restaurants in Jalan 19, Selangor: vegetarian

Lily Cenario Cafe

Cuisines Western
Business Hour opened from 11 am till 10 pm (closed on Mondays)

... Chop Rice, deep fried wanton, Vegetarian vermicelli, Chicken pasta, Fried Udon ...

It's got a simple yet nice, clean look and exudes a calm ambiance. This is the kind of cafe to sit around and do catching up with friends over a pot of tea and scones (cakes and pies also available) or have a leisurely pace lunch or dinne

Nanking Court Vegetarian Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese

Vegetarian, Vegetarian Cod Fish, Vegetarian Shark Fin, Vegetarian Braised Mushroom and Sea Cucumber, Vegetarian Braised ... Pork, Vegetarian Yee Sang, Spring ...


Nanking Court Vegetarian Restaurant (南京阁素饭店) is part of the Ahimsa Group of vegetarian restaurant with halal certificate. The restaurant is rather old since it’s been around quite long but it’s spacious and service is alright...

kuanfoodfetish posted www.kuanfoodfetish.com 166 Reviews