OldTown White Coffee

Cuisines Chinese Local

My ratings for Oldtown White Coffee will be 2 ** . Still running behind Kluang Station.

More about Subang Jaya and Subang Jaya Restaurants by Travelopy

Lynn's Cafe

Cuisines Local Chinese Western

We are a simple & cozy restaurant serving good home-cooked food at a very affordable price. We also have a catering division that has a wide selection of menus to cover all budgets..from budget pre-packed meals to fancy gourmet cuisine! Our chefs are very experienced coming from many years of experience in the food industry. Feel free to call us to find out on our latest promotions and services.

The place is nice and the food is great.

food2buzz posted foodtobuzz.blogspot.com 415 Reviews

K3K Kopitiam

Cuisines Chinese Local

Penghulu Chicken Rice and Penghulu Chicken Rice, Thick Toast

masako7179 posted princessmasako80.blogspot.com 286 Reviews



No MSG, low salty and pork free. Recreated USA premier restaurants menu and exclusive American VIP drinks.

The Zoo

Cuisines Local Chinese

Satay is local Malaysian food, however, Can you imagine the taste of Wonton Mee mix with the creamy Satay Sauce, Just Yummy, one and only in Subang.