Restoran Chan Yew Kee

Cuisines Chinese

If distance is not a problem, we will definitely come back again to try out the rests of the dishes here. Hopefully we will able to try out more dishes here.

small kucing posted 554 Reviews
More about Selangor and Selangor Restaurants by Travelopy

Dim Sum at Deli Taste

Cuisines Chinese Dim Sum

Dim Sum here is not too expensive.

Starlight Seafood Restaurant 陈洧记海鲜楼

Cuisines Chinese

A seafood restaurant famous for their ‘Christmas Island Red Crabs crawling during the mating & migration season’ wall. And now, they’ve expanded their dining space with an air-conditioned area, also amplified with a under-the-sea wall.

ChristineLeng posted 450 Reviews