Payung Cafe

Top 50 Restaurants in Sarawak
Cuisines Asian

It would certainly attract more people to try out the food here.

small kucing posted 554 Reviews
More about Sarawak and Sarawak Restaurants by Travelopy

Taman Muhibbah Hawker Center

Top 100 Restaurants in Sarawak
Cuisines Asian

Mamarazzi fell in love with this 3 Layer Tea. She liked it so much that she had two glasses of this.

small kucing posted 554 Reviews

One Cent Cafe

Top 100 Restaurants in Sarawak
Cuisines Asian

Auntie Claire finally got a taste of the Sarawak Laksa. As for me, I preferred Kampua.

small kucing posted 554 Reviews

Thomson's Corner

Top 100 Restaurants in Sarawak
Cuisines Asian

Tried out their Fruit Rojak. Mamarazzi tasted it and said the kuah(sauce) too thin. Not enough "Hay Koh". But both Papa and Mamarazzi agreed this Yoyo Ice tasted very good. Refreshing coz they added lime juice in it.

small kucing posted 554 Reviews