Hot Stove Cafe

Cuisines Chinese

The Bons Cafe

Business Hour Mon-Fri 730am - 6pm Sat 9am - 9pm Sunday closed

The Bons Cafe is a cosy and home-feel cafe where you can enjoy your lovely and relaxing day (free WiFi!), having a cup of coffee and of course our signature "Teh Tarik", claimed to be the best one in Damansara Jaya? ^^ We are serving Breakfast= Big Breakfast, American Breakfast, Pancakes, French Toast Asian/Western Dishes= Nasi Lemak with Chicken Rendang, Mee Siam, Curry Laksa, Carbonara Spaghetti, Rosemary Chicken, BBQ Chicken etc. Breakfast and lunch set are available!

Kun Kee Kopitiam

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11.00a.m until it finishes Closed on Monday

Tin Kee Duck Rice stall in Kun Kee Kopitiam.


Cuisines Western