Chef Tony's Gourmet Popcorn

Cuisines Western

Chef Tony's Popcorn爆米花为菲​​律宾所创立的爆米花品牌。此品牌爆米花以口味浓郁为其特色,顶极的爆米花,不只在菲律宾为销售No.1,在进军新加坡及马来西亚后也是造成大热卖。

Sophie Tay posted 69 Reviews

Prangin Mall Pasembur

Cuisines Chinese

Pasembur is one of the yummy food to have for snacks at late afternoon and anytime.

Seventy Five Coffeeshop

Cuisines Chinese

This shop is located along the centre zone of the Prangin Mall 2nd floor and you are able to find a lot of nice cheap Penang food here.

Soya Soya Cafe

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 1pm - 9pm. Closed on every Thursday.