Chinese Restaurants in Penang @ Lebuh Keng Kwee – 2 Restaurants
Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendul
Business Hour
星期一至星期五 10:30 - 19:00,星期六至星期日 10:00 - 19:30
zappalangzpl posted 74 ReviewsSuperb某人之前尝过 Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendul 在 Paradigm Mall 的分店后,坚持要来这里一试原店的味道。尽管已经槟城各区甚至雪隆一带开了不少分店,但是在这个熟悉的小巷子,槟城人缅怀的潮州煎蕊小车子旁,依旧有着长长的人龙。许多外地的游客还是不辞劳苦地来到这里品尝最正宗的潮州风味。
Kedai Kopi Tong Hoe
The name of the shop is Kedai Kopi Tong Hoe. The only hawker offering they sell is the Duck Meat Koay Teow Th’ng and drinks. You are allowed to order other hawker item from road side stalls located at the vacininity.