126 Bittergourd Noodle 126 苦瓜面汤

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Mon - Fri: 9.30am - 3pm, 5.30pm - 8.30pm Sat, Sun: 7:45am - 3:30pm

Deluxe RM10.00 Fairly large in portion, it was very affordable considering the luscious ingredients. I opted for bee hoon, but you can choose your preferred noodles from the choice of yellow mee and kuey teow. In my humble opinion, it was one of the best curry noodles I've tasted. I don'...t like it, I love it! read more

posted 8 years ago www.elanakhong.com

City Star Seafood Restaurant (汕城海鲜饭店)

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11am – 2.30pm & 5pm – 11pm

This double shop lot restaurant owned by Mr CM Wong has a nice and clean environment with one section of the restaurant air-conditioned.

must try place!

suyee posted 13 years ago su-yee.blogspot.com 402 Reviews

Restoran Goodview

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Daily, 08:00am - 05:00pm (closed on alternate Mondays)