Chow Yang Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese

Chow Yang Special Home Made Tofu with crispy skin was awesome.

hAppYHapPy posted 15 years ago 740 Reviews

Tanjung Bungah Fish Head Curry

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Mon to Sun, 11.30 to 3pm and from 6 to 10pm. Closed on Thursday

This restaurant serves some of the best fish head curry places in PJ. Its is a nice cozy place.

Restoran Cheow Sang

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Everyday (except Thursday)

Be warned, if you are going there on a weekend, get there early otherwise they would run out of some items. We were there by 730 pm and they were all out of yau char kwai already.

I love this version of Bak Kut Teh it is of a lighter and clearer soup, it is something in between the Singapore Bak Kut Teh (very plain with lots of pepper) and the stronger Klang Bak Kut Teh.

hAppYHapPy posted 15 years ago 740 Reviews

Friendship (Bou Yat Bou 捕一宝)

Cuisines Chinese

Soup specialty shop. Restaurant friendship herbal soup or bou yat bou in cantonese.. it is located at chow yang ss2.